Read MTL - Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey - Chapter 1721 ??(?ω?*)?? Pirate World War (1) - NovelBuddy (2024)

Today's weather is very good, the sun is shining brightly and there are basically no clouds.

And in this sea area, there is no such bad sea conditions or extreme weather that are common in the New World.

Although it has been more than half a month since the official declaration of war with Kaido, one of the four emperors, at this time, I don't know why, neither side has made much movement, and the golden mothership of the Bear Child is even more It was still at sea, dragged by the two giant sea king giant tortoises and sailed from east to west without any haste, as if it was completely unaffected by the declaration of war.

Of course, it looks like that from the outside.

At least, in the sunlight, it still looks golden, not any less than when it looks radiant and golden under the lights at night.

There is no doubt that Gilder Tezzolo, as the richest man in the world, must have spent a lot of gold on the hull of the ship, so that the ship is full of luxury, whether it is day or night. As well as being arrogant and arrogant, he successfully avoided all kinds of ships that he encountered along the way from a distance.

However, it is a matter of opinion whether those ships are avoided early because they are ashamed or because they know some reasons.

Anyway, the current owner of the ship doesn't mind that there are hardly any new tourists coming to the ship at the moment, nor does it mind that the ship's huge casinos, playgrounds, winding racing tracks and wide stages are almost completely immersed in That fact of going out of business and cutting off income.

Because everyone knows that the bear child is very rich now, even if there is no income from tourists, the cash Bailey on the ship may be enough for her to pay all the employees and soldiers on the ship, and, at least it is enough. The kind that doesn't wrinkle half a brow for decades?

Not to mention the few (perhaps less than 100,000?) residents left on the ship. Since they are in a special 'war' period and there are no tourists, they are basically useless. Bailey and food, which can be subsidized by white-collar workers, are not much worse than those of the soldiers and related employees on the ship.


It has been more than half a month since 'Beasts' Kaido handed over the gauntlet. So far, the 'Beast Boy' has not encountered any battles, and it has never encountered any of the Beasts Pirates. The ship, so the atmosphere on the ship at this time was relatively relaxed, with citizens hanging out everywhere and employees gathering in twos and threes to drink and chat.

Is this not?

In a downtown park in the Golden City, several gorgeously dressed women of all ages are basking in the sun lazily, talking about the topic between women, and there are bursts of depression from time to time. Weird laughter.


"It's so boring..."

"Isn't it?"

"My family has not gone to work in the entertainment city for more than half a month!"

"Although, the salary is still paid, but if those men are full of energy and idle all day, they will either be easy to think wildly, or they will be tossing **** you. I have been avoiding him a little lately, and I will not do it until it reaches a point. Too dare to go back and cook."

"Oops! You are blessed, but you are so beautiful!"

"that is!"

"The stinky man in my family is different. He works in the municipal system. Unlike the entertainment system, which only receives tourists, they don't care if there are tourists there, but they all go to work as usual!"

"What's worse, let me tell you, he has become busier recently. I heard that many ships and soldiers have been transferred to this ship. It is estimated that there is really going to be a war!"


"Are you really going to fight?"

"No way?"

"That's right, what are you fighting, you're going to die in a war. If you continue to be like this, can't everyone eat and drink?"

"it is true!"

"My eldest son works at the pier. He said that it is full of warships, sailors and soldiers now, and the pier is now a controlled area, so it won't cause trouble for ordinary people like us in the past."

"It's not really going to fight, is it?"

"It's really going to fight!"

"But, that's the legendary 'Four Emperors'. It's very scary. You said, can our little girl, that bear queen, win?"

"I do not know then……"


As they spoke, the group of women who had been chatting for a while among the parents closed their mouths one after another, and at the same time there was a hint of sadness on their faces.

Originally, after the four emperors Kaido declared war, they had been worried for a few days, but later, after so long, there was no fight, and the other party didn't even send a few ships to shout a few words. Ordinary people like them subconsciously thought: maybe, it was just Kaido, one of the four emperors, who was just one of the four emperors, and he was just playing around with the next gauntlet?

And now, when they heard that there was really going to be a war, they began to worry about gains and losses again.

Unfortunately, worrying about gains and losses is useless, because they are just the family members of the crew members who are unwilling or unable to leave due to various reasons. That kind of big thing is definitely not based on the will of the little people who are only short-sighted by their parents. of.



Woohoo~! Woohoo~!


Without waiting for these women who gathered to chat because they had nothing to do, they continued to say something. Suddenly, there was a sudden burst of broadcast telephone bugs that are everywhere in the Golden City. The siren sounds:

'alarm! ’

'alarm! ! ’

'It was discovered that the Beast Pirates fleet is close to the golden mothership, and an emergency evacuation order is issued! ’

'All citizens please go home immediately, all citizens please go back to their homes immediately, pay attention to keep doors and windows tightly closed, and do not go out until the alarm is lifted! ’

'repeat! ’

'Found the Beast Pirates fleet approaching! ’

'Please all...'



"Mom! It's really about to go to war, run!"

"Quick, go back!"


"You, you wait for me!!"

With the sound of the alarm and the broadcast of the radio bugs, the countless idle people in the golden city waited, just like the group of women who were short-lived by their parents just now, did not wait for those who were driving to the street in groups. The soldiers drove away, and they dispersed in a rush. They fled to their respective homes, and ran to those residential buildings that were also decorated with gold and splendidly decorated with gold. became more deserted.




At this time, on the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, in the main hall of the Royal Palace, long before the alarm sounded, those important people on this big ship had gathered here in advance and waited patiently. .



Boom! Boom!

Immediately afterwards, with the sound of heavy footsteps, after a while, the abyss Commander Xi, who was more than ten meters tall, was not too much compared to the mermaid princess Shirahoshi, but his lower body looked like a crab or a shrimp. Vara finally came to the palace with her huge limbs and walked up the steps, before the throne.

And behind the throne, there is a huge screen also made of gold, on which are vividly carved patterns of mermaids, waves, flames and giant bears, and Sivara, who is more than ten meters tall, looks like a A little bit shorter than the golden screen.


"Where's the queen?"

"Didn't she come?"

First, I looked at the empty throne, which was made of gold and covered with a soft red cushion. Then I looked to the left and right. After I didn't find the figure of a cute bear child, the commander of the abyss, Sivara, turned to the side. The maid standing with her head bowed asked such a question.

"Report Commander!"

"Master shouldn't get up yet, do you need me to call the door now?"

Dusky stood up for the first time and asked hesitantly.


However, the commander of the abyss, Sivara, waved his hand to stop him.

Then, she looked at the others present, and asked that Gilder Tezzolo condescendingly:

"Have you checked, who is the enemy attacking this time?"

"Is that Kaido himself?"

Obviously, Sivara didn't take the Beast Pirates seriously.

Perhaps, in her opinion, even without the power of their cute master, they alone are enough to handle everything.

And what she's doing now is what it means for her to be called into this world and given full authority to handle all matters.

"Of course!"

"Beautiful Lady Sivara..."

"The watch team on our ship has already observed it. Looking at the flag of the other party, it must be the leader of the three big boards under Kaido's 'Hundred Beasts'—Jin!"

Gild Tezzolo didn't hide it. First, he took two steps forward and bowed to Sivara who was standing in front of the throne. Then he looked up at the other party and directly told the information he knew so far. come out.


"What ability does he have, let's talk about his situation!"

Sivara obviously doesn't know the 'Jin' who is attacking. She has been busy setting up defenses these days. She hasn't paid too much attention to the other party's information about the Beast Pirates, she just knows a little bit about it. It's just that enemy Chief Kaido.


"Speaking of that 'Jin', I have to talk about the Beast Pirates first!"

"I believe everyone knows that the Hundred Beasts Pirates is a pirate group founded and led by one of the four emperors of the new world, the 'Beasts' Kaido, and its members are mostly Devil Fruit Animals or The man-made devil fruit is a powerful pirate group whose strength is not inferior to that of the Whitebeard Pirates, and its headquarters..."

"It is reported that it should be stationed on an island called Oni Island in the waters of the New World Wano Kingdom?"

"Of course, thanks to the participation of the Don Quixote family, the artificial devil fruit is only supplied to us now, and no longer accepts orders from any party."

"However, even if the order has been stopped, the current Hundred Beasts Pirates is already a powerful pirate group mainly based on animal abilities, and everyone must be vigilant."

After getting permission and walking to the center of the basilica, Gilder Tezzolo began his performance.

"That Kaido, he had previously planned to make all the non-Devil Fruits in the group become Devil Fruit Animals. For this reason, he had looted all kinds of animal Devil Fruits in the world, and even once Once monopolized the artificial animal-type devil fruit produced by the Don Quixote family!"

"And as far as I know, they have already possessed the ability of the artificial devil fruit animal system, and there are more than 500 people!"

"Naturally, I believe everyone has heard the above information, so I won't talk about it today."

Seeing that Madam Sivara in front of the throne raised her brows, she seemed a little impatient. Gilder Tezzolo, who was observant, smiled suddenly, and then hurriedly talked about what he thought was more important.


"The big sign of the Hundred Beast Pirates, the head of the 'Three Great Disasters', nicknamed 'Flame Disaster', the animal system, the dragon dragon fruit, the ancient species, the toothless pterosaur form ability, the bounty is 1.39 billion Ten thousand Berry, his power is unquestionable, and he was once called his right hand by Kaido!"

"And the one who was defeated by Her Majesty Queen Anne in the country of Zou before was Jack, one of the 'Three Disasters', and the other one was a guy named 'Quinn'."

Then, Gilder Tezzolo began to tell all the information he knew about that 'Jin', such as his abilities and fighting style.

Then, he also talked about the members and composition of the Hundred Beasts Pirates. For example, in addition to Governor Kaido, there are three members of the Big Kanban. One teacher, ten serializers, several leaders, and so on.

And the 'Jin' that attacked today is the first person under Governor Kaido's command!

Now that the other party personally led the fleet to attack, it was enough to prove: Kaido said that he would fight against their Bear Boy Pirates, it was definitely not just talk, the other party was obviously already serious and genuine.

"The first of the three Kanban boards?"


"Since it's not Kaido himself who came, then we are not in a hurry to show our strength. I think they are just here for temptation."

After listening to Gild Tezzolo's words, Sivara thought for a while, and then quickly decided how to deal with it today.


"Should there be shelling?"

"Our ship has a lot of cannons, the caliber of the cannons is also large, and they are condescending. They should be able to directly sink them from a super long range."

Jhin, one of the 'Three Big Kanbans', might be really powerful, and might even have the strength of the Three Great Admirals of the Navy?

However, in Gilder Tezzolo's view, they don't have to worry at all!

Because the ship he built was big and tall, once the artillery on their ship fired ten thousand bullets, the other party would only be able to barely keep a part of the ship at most, and the rest would definitely be dead or injured. They just need to waste a few cannonballs to get an easy win and give that Kaido a blow.


Sivara didn't answer, she was thinking.


After waiting for a while, seeing that Ms. Sivara did not respond, Gilder Tezzolo, who was worried that the enemy ship was too close and lost the fighter plane, asked again.

"Do not!"

"Don't bombard it yet!"

"We don't need to show too much strength, let the flying fish attack first!"

For some reason, Sivara turned down Gild Tezzolo's approach that could have easily won.

"flying fish?"


"But, Commander!"

Hearing that the commander was planning to dispatch his own air force, Dibalu hurriedly stood up.

"The number of flying fish that can be used in battles is very small, and the training time is too short. Only less than 300 of the tens of thousands of pilots can barely complete the action of diving and dropping bombs, and there are so many enemy ships. Can……"

However, before Dibalu could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the arrogant hand of Sivara who was in front of the throne on the steps.


"Follow your orders!

Seeing that Sivara was looking down at him with those unquestionable eyes, Dibalu, who wanted to justify something, had to hurriedly lowered his head, turned around and walked out, ready to execute the order.


"Commander Sivara!"

"The current Feiyu troop is under-trained. Wouldn't it be bad to send it to the battlefield in a hurry?"

"If you are not careful, there will be losses."


"Or send out the murloc troops to use those secret weapons that we, Dressrosa, have been commissioned to develop?"

Seeing Dibalu walk out of the palace, at this time, Don Quixote Doflamingo, who was also present, came out to persuade and suggested.

"Do not!"

"I naturally have my own considerations for doing that, you don't need to say it anymore."


"Each role, prepare for the next first battle!"



No way, seeing that the commander of the abyss didn't listen to his advice, that Don Quixote Doflamingo stood in the center of the palace hesitating for a long time, and finally, he waved his hand angrily, and after answering, some Gritting his teeth disdainfully, the person who led him turned around and left.




And with the departure of Don Quixote Doflamingo, soon, other people, such as some cadres of the Kidd Pirates, the three princes of Fishman Island, and the royal guards of Naga, etc. They all left and went to their respective posts to stand by.

So, in the palace garden hall at the top of the Golden King Hotel, there are only the abyss commander and Gilder Tezzolo.

"Cough cough!"

"Beautiful Madam Sivara, can you tell me what you think?"

After waiting for a while, when he saw that Commander Sivara, who was originally more than ten meters in size, gradually shrank in size, and turned into a high-level elf with a perfect body similar to a normal person in a ray of light, the Gilder Tai Zolo hurriedly leaned up and asked with a shy face.

"It's easy!"

"Mr. Tezzolo."

"Because what we want to win is not just this battle today, what we want to win is this entire battle and..."


First, he looked with interest at Gilder Tezzolo's handsome face and big, well-combed back, and turned into a high-level elf, then Sivara walked down the steps. He said arrogantly.

"All, the whole world?"



"Don't you mean to..."

Gilder Tezzolo seemed to have guessed a little bit of the other party's plan, so his expression couldn't help but stay for a while, and then exclaimed for a while.


"Mr. Tezzolo..."

"do you know?"

"I have followed Queen Azshara for thousands of years. In the world of Azeroth, I have led the vanguard of the Eternal Palace of Azeroth and won countless victories for her. War has long been a commonplace and instinct for us. Same thing."

"This time, when I was recruited by Annie Meng, I kept thinking..."

"What can I do to realize my value as quickly as possible?"

"And now, when I was hesitant and at a loss on Fishman Island, some idiot brought the opportunity to me."

"If I don't make good use of it, wouldn't I be treating their enthusiasm too badly?"

The abyss commander in the form of a high-level elf grabbed an arcane orb, and then, as she cast the spell, it gradually appeared on the top that should not have fully appeared in the sighting range of the 'Bear Child' golden mothership. The whole picture of the vanguard fleet of the Beast Pirates.


Gilder Tezzolo frowned and pondered for a while, but in the end he didn't say much, just walked slowly to the other side, and saw one of the 'Three Disasters' looking at the magical magic picture. The enemy fleet led by 'Jhin'.

The number of ships that appear in the magic screen is about thirty or forty. Obviously, that level of armed force is not all of the Beast Pirates, or even less than half, so Gilder Tezzolo He didn't pay attention to the other party.


"Ms. Sivara, that maid..."

"I found that she had used the phone bug to communicate with the outside world secretly many times, and the people who talked to her included the navy and some guys who claimed to be CP0."

This ship was originally owned by Gilder Tezzolo, and since the whole body is made of gold, and the ship is plated with gold everywhere, even the houses are no exception, so, except for a strong bear child, no one can To escape his induction and surveillance, the maid he just mentioned is no exception.

But now, with the outbreak of the war, and the fact that he felt he could show it to the lady in front of him, he quickly took advantage of the opportunity when no one was around to tell the story.

"I know!"


"You know?"

"Then you..."


"I know the infidelity of that navy maid, but I just need someone to reveal my plans to the navy and the world government!"


Hearing Sivara's answer, Gilder Tezzolo was dumbfounded.


"Lord Queen Anne she..."

"Would it not be good to keep someone like that by Her Majesty's side?"

He thought he could make a small contribution and add a little bit of goodwill in front of this charming lady, but he didn't think that the other party knew it long ago, and he had made a plan, he himself didn't know anything about it, And he came out to talk about it, like a clown?

"Mr. Tezzolo, do you think that the cute master will not know about that?"


"You creatures are still too young. You can't imagine how great the existence that appeared in front of your eyes is in your short one-hundred-year lifespan!"

"In front of her, whether it's betrayal or any other it's all meaningless! Her existence itself is beyond the limit you can imagine, and being able to see her again , are the great gifts of the world!"

"Can you imagine?"

"Even our world of Azeroth might just be a dispensable toy she played with."

"And perhaps all we can do is try not to let her forget it so quickly?"

Saying this, Sivara was silent for a while, then sighed and shook her head, not taking the maid's threat to heart at all.


"Let us all perform well!"

After speaking, Sivara took two steps forward, and then disappeared without a trace with a direct teleportation.

She is the commander of the abyss under Queen Azshara of the Eternal Palace, and she is also a master of martial arts and magic, teleportation spells or flashes, etc. For her, the Highborne who studied magic by the Well of Eternity 10,000 years ago It's not too advanced a spell.

Of course, her little tricks and magical accomplishments are definitely irrelevant to the existence who is sleeping soundly in a certain bedroom in the palace garden at this time.


At the same time as Sivara teleported away from the palace, the flying fish and the flying fish knights also began to be washed out by the sea water from the hatches on the side of the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child.

Then, without waiting for them to fall to the sea surface, they took advantage of the water column and the potential energy they fell to take off. They soon formed a formation one by one and moved towards the distance, towards the beast pirates still at the end of the sea level. The regiment fleet rushed over.


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Read MTL - Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey - Chapter 1721 ??(?ω?*)?? Pirate World War (1) - NovelBuddy (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.