The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1932 a SSESSMENT CUT SALUS II PRESS FIGHT F0I1 II DECLARATION ASSAILED DRIVES John Wan amaker Philadelphia Today DOWN STAIRS STORE Today Organizations Declared Aren't the New Sleeves Quaint? Dresses and Jacket-Frocks When the Republican State Committee meets In AUentown on September 17 Senator Samuel W. Salus, with the sanction of William S. Vare, titular leader of the Philadelphia organization, will offer a resolution placing the committee on record as advocating repeal of the 18th Amendment and Immediate modification of the Volstead act. The State Committee is to meet prior to a rally at Fogelsville which will officially open the Republican campaign in Pennsylvania. Vice President Curtis is scheduled to head the list of speakers.

During the Chicago convention, when the State's delegation was Involved in a heated controversy on the prohibition Issue, it was finally decided, on motion of Senator Salus, to refer the whole matter to the State. Committee. "I Intend to bring the Issue before the State Committee," said Salus yesterday, "and I will wage a fight for Inclusion in the State platform of a call for repeal of the 18th Amendment and modification of the Volstead act." Salus said this program has the approval of Vare. He added a stand by the State Committee would have no effect on the party nationally, but would merely set forth the principles of which candidates for Congress and other offices seek Operating "Racjcet" by Tax Revision rjead Two Philadelphia organizations tit conducting "what amounts to a mcfcet" In connection with the assessments of real estate. That accusation was made yes-today in a public statement issued by the Board ot Revision of Taxes.

William J- Benham, a member of the board, acting as Its spokesman, declined to reveal the names of the two groups. Be asserted, however, that they, gr their agents, have been jtnvassing property owners with offers to obtain reductions In assessments, "through Influence at City Ball" in return for a fee contingent upon the amount of the reduction. Warns Property Owners The board, in Its statement, warned property owners that on the basis of revised estimates assessments have been lowered for the year 1933. This, it as-terted, was the result of normal procedure, and not of the efforts of the groups they described as racketeers." "Pay no attention to anyone who claims that he may exert any influence In having any assessment adjusted the board said in Its statement. The report by the Board of Revision of Taxes, recently submitted to the City Controller, shows that the assessments for the year 1933 will be $200,000,000 less than the $95 mm I 1 1 II I 'm, 0.

S. FLEET CITED IN JAPANESE DIET Pilli i -I 1 I render the largest percentage, assistant director, superintendent and assistant superintendents the next largest, and thus down through the various grades of policemen, so that a patrolman would be surrendering only a few dollars a week. Another plan is to have all policemen take one week vacation without pay during each of the remaining months of the year. Suspensions Strongly Opposed Still another suggests two days off without pay in every 15. A variation of this suggestion is three days off In 15, so that just prior to Christmas policemen will draw a full pay envelope.

Sentiment was consistently against any suspensions from the police force, although it was indicated there, may be reductions in rank. It was said, however, that vacancies at present existing will noti be filled. There is one vacancy in the rank of inspector, vacated by William Connelly when he resigned to become chief of county Detectives. An inspector's salary is $4000 a year. The same plan, it was said, will be followed In regard to two vacancies in the rank of captain.

A captain's salary is $3685. Forty-three officers and 243 detectives are not too many, the Director said before he left this city yesterday, in comparison with the size of the force of 4400 policemen. Commissions Ended The two commissions which will cease to exist at the end Of the year are composed of distinguished citizens and a staff of engineers. The members serve without pay. Neither commission has been functioning actively since Mayor Moore took office.

Since their appointment they have both issued several elaborate schemes for the improvement of the city, but, almost without exception lack of funds has prevented their plans from reaching fruition. With Mr. Widener on the Planning Commission, which was a division of the Department of City Architecture, are Colonel Samuel P. Wetherill, vice chairman, and Walter H. Thomas, former Director of City Architecture, secretary.

The members are: Thomas B. Harbison, Philip H. Johnson, John Meigs, Ralph T. Senter, Joseph J. Greenberg, Albert M.

Greenfield, Ernest T. Trigg, Herbert J. Tlly, Eli Kirk Price, E. T. Stotesbury and Councilman Frederic D.

Garman. Presented Long Report The Zoning Commission last year, after three years' investigation, presented a long and thorough report, recommending height of buildings and location and use of properties throughout the city. Council held several public hearings on the report, but no action was taken and it still rests in committee. In addition to Mr. Smith the members of this board are: John H.

Neeson, chief of the Bureau of Engineering and Surveys, vice chairman; George R. Mackenzie, engineer-secretary. Other members ire Ralph B. Bencker, W. Edwin Blair, French Burch, Arthur G.

Dickson, Daniel C. Donoghue, David N. Fell, Samuel B. Flelsher, Philip H. Gadsden, A.

H. Geuting, Clarence L. Harper, David Kirschbaum, Albert H. Jerome H. Louchheim, John A.

McCarthy, John N. McGarvey, John P. B. Sinkler, present Director of City Architecture; Frank G. Stewart, Clement B.

Webster, John O. Williams, and State Senator George Woodward. The new rough crinkly crepes in wine tones, greens, browns, black. Travel-prints in dark tones with white designs have new full-cut short jackets or three-quarter length coats. Sheer-Fabric Prints in darker color tones look a bit Autumn-ish but are simply grand to have around these lingering warm days! Women's and misses' size.

DOWN STAIRS STORE DRESSES MARKET present year, and this will result in naving mousanos oi smau property owners receive reductions running from $200 and upwards for the year 1933. "Where a property owner Is dls- satisfled with his assessment he may after September 15 make a written application to the Board of Revision of Taxes. This application must be made on a blank form provided by the board. "It must then be sworn to before notary public or the assessor will take the affidavit without charge. Fur Coat 8 Are Nov at the Lowest Prices in Years and Years! Decisions will then be made later In All the New Dress Colors Wool Crepe Hats Raccoon $1 25' With Stitched Brims and Sectional Crowns Featured in the Advance Sale at 100 by the Board of Revision of Taxes," Demand Proof of Charges This statement was followed by a letter-to Philip N.

Arnold, president of the National Realty Valuation Corporation, demanding that that organization substantiate Its recent charges that there are many nder-assessed properties in the dty. This letter brought statements not only from Mr. Arnold, but also from John J. McDevitt, president of the Taxpayers' Association, which has availed itself of the services of Mr. Arnold's company in a campaign for lower assessments.

Both statements denied emphatically that either of the two organizations they represent fall under the classification described by the Board of of Taxes. Moore Cuts Budget Fifteen Per Cent. TOKIO, Aug. 30 (A. The Government was asked by a member of the Diet today whether Japan Intended to do anything about the "concentration of the American Navy in the Pacific," Baron Uchida, the Foreign Minister, replied that he saw no reason why Tokio should request Washington explain its fleet dispositions or should take any official notice of them.

The American fleet was one of several questions affecting foreign relations which were brought up in the Diet session. Another was the worldwide censure of Japan's course of action In Manchuria, which culminated in the establishment of the new State of Manchukuo. "As for Manchukuo," Baron Uchida said, "Japan Is confronted with an unprecedented opposition of world opinion. Nevertheless we are determined to follow the course already fixed in the face of all opposition. The GoveVnment Is doing its utmost through our diplomats abroad to Improve world feeling toward Japan, but thus far we can admit no optimism." 11 BOY ROOTERS INJURED AT BASEBALL GAME Sierinl to The Inquirer.

NEWARK, N. Aug. 30. Thirty-five boys, rooting for a new star of the Garslde Street Commodores to "knock the cover off the ball," were piled in a heap tonight when the apron of the backstop on which they were piled fell nDart. Of 11 boys Injured, four suffered serious hurts and two may die.

The Commodores were playing the 14th Ave. Blue Stars on the diamond on the site of the old reservoir on the side of Branch Brook Park. About 100 adults watching from the sidelines rushed to the tangled mass of legs and arms near home plate. When they had lifted off those who had suffered no more than cuts or bruises, 11 boys remained stretched on the ground. Of the four Injured seriously those in a critical condition are Frank 8teffanelli, 12 years old, and Louis Laffredo, also 12.

More of these are being sold than any other kind. One is sketched its skins are rich in color depth and full-furred. Think of those football games ahead 1 And so new tailored bands and bows of the hat's fabric. Excellent little casual hats that will take you traveling smartly over the week-end. WANAMAKER'S DOWN 8TAIRS STORE MARKET As You Probably Know, These Coats May Be Paid for on the Budget Plan Continued From First Page Noiv Reduced Children's Socks and Anklets Mill's Clearance Women's Knit Cotton Vests French-Dyed Coney Coats in Dark Sable Tones Beaver-Lamb Coats in Beaver U.SJCTSTl 18 SITE White and plain colors.

And fancy effects. Ribbed tops. Sizes 6y2 to 8V2. Fine combed cotton yarns 14-cut. Built-up tops.

REGULAR AND EXTRA SIZES. Were 18c to 35c 3 for 50c Sealine Coats trimmed with 25 $5950 65 75 WANAMAKER'S DOWN 8TAIRS STORE CENTRAL WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE CENTRAL Caracul Coats Spend a Day ff of th LABOR DAY 11 Waok-End Qt thi I SEASHORE! II m) Marmot Coats F'om Inquirer Bureau. Htk and Strtelt, V. W. WASHINGTON, Aug.

30. The Treasury Department today moved to expedite construction of the proposed Philadelphia Custom House and Appraisers' Stores building at 2d and Chestnut sts. Major Ferry K. Heath, Assistant Secretary, asked the Department of Justice to apply In the Philadelphia Federal courts for a writ that will give the Government the right to take the proposed site by condemnation. Early and favorable action on the motion Is expected and Treasury officials are confident they will secure title within 30 days.

This would permit start of construction the latter part of October. The action of the Treasury today indicates tha the valuation set on the property by a jury of award last week is agreeable. This view was corroborated today by L. C. Martin, assistant to Major Heath, who has been handling the details of the proposal for the past two years.

Martin explained that pending the decision of the court on the proposed writ negotiations will be conducted with several of the property owners for modification of the prices demanded for their parcels. WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE-FURS MARKET yesterday and consulted with Council leaders and the city's fiscal offl-tials. All were agreed that the police force cannot be reduced in size If it is to give adequate protection. Various plans were drafted and these will be submitted to Director Dodge when he returns to the city from Jamestown, R. I where he went yesterday to visit his mother, Mrs.

James Mapes Dodge, who has recently been In ill health at her summer home there. In the course of wielding his economy ax on the Department of Public Works, the Mayor decided the City Planning Commission and the Municipal Zoning Commission were no longer needed as separate organizations and that the work they have been doing could very well be looked after by the Bureau Of Engineering and Surveys. A a result no appropriation will be given them next year and some 31,000 will be saved. The Planning Commission Is headed by Joseph E. Widener.

The chairman of the Zoning Commission is J. Willl-ion Smith. "Abolition of these commissions Is merely a part of a general plan of consolidation," said the Mayor. "Such commissions are liable to develop into large and expensive bureaus." Street Cleaning Slashed In the Department of Public works, the largest cut was made in the Street Cleaning Bureau. To operate this bureau next year was asked.

This was more than was requested for last year, as no horses have been purchased for at least two years and equipment Is In need of renewing. The Mayor decided that the bureau must get along as best It can with only necessary repairs, and reduced the request by $1,020,000. The Bureau of Highways was cut Engineering and Surveys, 62.500; Water, $322,100 and City Property Just what reductions will be made the estimates for the Convention Hall and Stadium are not yet known. No consideration will be Pven these buildings until legislation amalgamating the Convention Hall with the Commercial Museum approved. This legislation will be the subject of a message from the Mayor to Council at its next meeting, September 15.

Will Present Figures The Very New Frogskin Fine Lizard and Alligator Fall Sho Spring and Summer Coats Reduced NOW Variously in tweeds, dark-colored wools, linens. Corduroys at the lower prices. WANAMAKER'S DOWN 8TAIRS STORE MARKET $3 wO DAILY BARGAIN FARES Beautiful shoes! The very-correct-for-Fall three and four eyelet oxfords and center-buckle-strap pumps. Some have layer-leather heels others have skin-covered heels. In new brownish tones and black with gun-metal casts.

$1125 Sizes 2'2 to 9 Widths AAA to $100 11 19. WANAMAKER'S DOWN 8TAIRS STORE SHOES CHESTNUT WILSON SEES TAX RISE An Increase of from 72 cent to $1 in the city tax rate for next year was declared to be "inevitable" last night by S. Davis Wilson, former deputy assistant city controller, in addressing members of James J. Barry Post, American Legion, at 5221 Baltimore ave. The' city's mandamus and contract burdens, reaching a total of many millions, will require a heavy increase in the tax rate to meet the city payrolls, Wilson asserted.

Criticizing the National Administration as "representative of the capitalistic interests," Wilson, who Is heading an Independent Roosevelt-for-Pres-ident movement the State, charged the Government with failure to look after the banks. from Mark St Who from I rood St ito. Tlck.ti good on All Trains to All Point! on Saturday, Sunday and labor Day and Specified Traim Monday to Friday September 2. (So schtdulM below' ATLANTIC CITY L. Iresd St.

(Davllf to Sarin U. Market Si Station Time) Wharf Sale Men's Shirts and Pajamas At that meeting the Mayor also 'Ul present these revised estimates to Council for its consideration. Council, however, will not act until we estimates of the county departments are before it. It Is reDorted that the Mavor jlj 53 A.M..' Monday to 00, IO00 AM. 2.S.1.6.0SPM.

frioav 30E.M. 15 55 9 55 11 55 A. 11.45. .00 t.00 00 150 45. 4 25 Satwdfe 12.40, 115.

S.J! 4 05 7 45 4.15. S50 M. US M. Each ill ask the county officers to meet him in conference, at which time he will lay before them the econo Both of "Phillips Jones" Make PAINLESS 75' if -'V; 1 mies ne has effected in the city departments' and request them to do likewise. IS 155.

55 7 00, S.00. .00, to 43 55 AM. Smdayand to OO, II Oil A 12 45 1.50, 1 45 Labor Day 12.00, 1.00 2 00. 4.25, 7 45 P.M. 5 50 P.

M. WILDWOOD they now stand are by far the low-H EXTRACTION Aslec or Awk SOct'ooth FREE X.RAY M'SiTL 50. 140 A. M. visa a 50.

i.ti, id 10.10 A 12 25 125. 4.20 4.35 30 M. 9 A. 35. fastis 35 Ml Loom Pluto.

Mid Tiiht, Br. ken Pitt, B.ptirfd WW1 Ton Wlt Gold Crow. 4 Brldn Work .13 to 16 a Tallinn iOfl IS) Gol TM140tlSA.MS""J,""J50 7 4i- 140 The SHIRTS are made by the same firm that makes the famous "Van Heusens." In white and colored broadcloths and striped and figured broadcloth. Perfect-point soft collars attached. White Shirts in both neckband and collar-attached styles.

Sizes 14 to 17. The PAJAMAS of fine quality broadcloth in solid colors blue, orchid, tan with contrasting trimming. 1 CAPE MAT' OOAM CITY STONi HARBOt Modov to 40 ever submitted to Council since Mayor Moore left office eight years go, and not in the memory of city MficiaU have such drastic cuts fcen made throughout- all departments. It la quite possible that as the inancial situation can be foreseen more clearly the Mayor may put wto effect another per cent, reduction throughout. He is determined "wiice the budget next year without Juggling with funds or bor-fowtng from Peter to pay Paul.

To meet the crisis in the police apartment four proposals were circulated yesterday. One suggests that policemen Render a portion of their pay the remainder of the year on "graduated scale." That would that. the. Director would sur 9JJ A M. mi Mil 'in 0.50.

40 A 123. 14 20 4 35 33 A 12 35 415 5 35 X. Am m.4 3 30 P. M. J5 A Sunday and '0 m.

9 .13 A. M. I I 40 A. M. 1.53 P.

WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE GALLERY MARKET 'Ceee Moy only II Ouon Clt Mene Morher enl I Stan Herber only OVM EASTERN PAINLESS A. DENTISTS 942 Market St lcS: iOcaae Cih. onh.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Inquirer Interactive, Inc., owned by the Rufino-Prieto family, operates Inquirer Interactive, with Paolo R. Prieto as chairman and president, is 69.99% owned by Inquirer Holdings, Inc., the umbrella company of the Rufino-Prieto family's media conglomerate.

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